Some papers, publications, reports, etc.
by Yacine Khelladi

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Here are a few presentations and  reports I wrote. Unfortunately most of the research reports prepared for projects and consultancies are either internal or confidential, and i'm NOT allowed to share them. Also I'm more action/implementation oriented and i usually like bullet points presentations..

Caribbean ICT/Information society

National / local ICT policies/plans + e-governement

Impact Evaluation of Internet on organizations capacity development and communities

  • Lessons Learned and Recommendations in evaluating projects funded under the IDRC program "Capacity Development for Internet Use in LAC" (November 2001) 
  • Practical guide for community organizations, (or "self help" text on) how to Assess the ICT’s  Role for community Development Posted for comments from the evaltica group - August 2001 
  • Pequeños grandes proyectos (Little Big Projects) Evaluando la incidencia y las lecciones aprendidas de los proyectos del programa "Desarrollo de Capacidades para el uso de Internet en América Latina y el Caribe" (CapDev) del CIID (Agosto 2000)  
  • Online methodological references of  Evaluating the projects founded under IDRC program   "Capacity Development for Internet Use in LAC"  
  • Telecenters:

    Internet for Development, Users training materials

  • This are two training workshop guides,  I developed for as permanent activity for The Haitian Research and Development Network (REHRED) as part of a long consultancy in 1998/1999. They are in french and composed of two documents, each one corresponding to a workshop that is from  2 to 5 days long..
  • Research and Development Network Strengthening Mission in Haiti:

  • Rapport Final et Document de Transition  Mise en place des activités de « Animation – Formation - soutien utilisateurs/trices et Développement de contenus » pour le Réseau Haïtien pour la Recherche et le Développement. Consultation réalisé entre Mai 1998 - Mars 1999  a Port au Prince - Haiti
  • Eco, sustainable, alternative tourism

    Comunity radio and Internet

    Finance, foreign investments, privatization and Internet

    •  Two documents (still confidential) prepared between Sept. 1997 and February 1998: Consultant for KLZ consulting firm :  "The State of the Art in Finance and Investment  applications on the Internet",  and project document "Foreign Investment attraction and privatization promotion through the Internet" Executive Summary
